Billing phone service
What do i need to do to speak with someone about my account ? The phone system disconnects me or rerouts me every time I have call over the last 3 days ????
View ArticleBalance Remaining and ***Request for call back regarding unknown malicious...
Please look back on my account notes. I called asking for help. Because I did not, would not, could not use the data in the overages that were charged. I woke up to email upon email informing me of "We...
View ArticleAbout late payments
So right now I don't work at all cause I just had a baby. My question is, I didn't pay my bill for 2 months first I set a date when can I pay it but still the date that I set it I didnt able to pay....
View ArticleBill
I need to know why my bill is so high when I switch I was told my bill would be 250.00 a month .Not 324.00 I'm only paying for 2 phones I need some kind of special or something or I will be closing my...
View ArticleCharges for texts while using AT&T Passport?
I've purchased a Passport for my trip to the UK. The plan says that I will get 'unlimited texts sent' but does not specify if I will be charged for texts received, or if my spouse, back in the US, will...
View Articledata usage complaint on added charges
I turn off the WiFi, Bluetooth and data usage on smart phone(when not using the phone & when I do use is very limited time)....then am on my laptop for less than hour and run the Dell or...
View ArticleMobile Payment Service
All of a sudden I can't make app purchases to be charged to my ATT account. (IE buy apps, music, game add ons and pay via adding to my ATT bill.)I am fully updated phone-wise and my ATT bill is...
View ArticleWireless - Next Samsung Credit
I have a plan called "Mobile Share Value 15GB with Rollover Data," which I share with two other people. One of them has a Samsung phone. Each month on my bill, there is a credit that says, "Wireless -...
I would like to transfer my personal cell phone accounts to a business account.
View ArticleBilling
I signed up with at&t 2months ago about.When I signed up the deal was unlimited everything ,buy one get one and he would wave the activation fee for all phonesToday I get my bill and it's 560.0They...
View ArticleDetailed billed-removing it
How do I remove my detailed billing? Can I do it from my app or do I need to call and have a customer service rep do it for me?
View ArticlePayment
My question is that today is the last day for payment and you guyz didn't give me how much I have to pay
View ArticlePayment
My question is that today is the last day for payment and you guyz didn't give me how much I have to pay?
View ArticleWorst Customer Service Ever!
Been a customer for almost 20 years. Have had many offers from other companies to switch, but have always remained faithful to AT&T. But now I"m at my breaking point and am shopping for a new...
View ArticleAT&T LIES.
Why were we quoted one price at the att store (in Auburn ca) when we got new iPhones and added a new phone line and my bill is extremely higher. We were quoted $40 a month for direct tv and it's $50 on...
View ArticleCristina clark
Hi I'm in Mexico and get back over weekendI had some money transfer complications but I will pay everything by Aug 3
View ArticleThorough Customer Service Agent Jermalli G
Trying to tell AT&T about Jermalli G at the Northlake AT& T location in Decatur, Ga. Excellent customer service skills and his ability to follow through resolving my billing issue. Impressive!!...
View ArticleHow Late Can you Make a payment without being cut off?
My wireless bill is due on 7-31-2016. But I will not have the money until 8-12/16. That is 11 days past the due date. Will my phone be cut off if I cannot pay until the 12th? i dont know how to make an...
View ArticleHow can I talk to a real live person.
I need to contact AT &T about a billing question.
View ArticleFeedback for AT&T
Last month when I paid off the galaxy phone – I called and remove the insurance for it too.I was extreme disappointment that is was on my bill! I call and rep Ethan took care for removing it, back...
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