Please look back on my account notes. I called asking for help. Because I did not, would not, could not use the data in the overages that were charged. I woke up to email upon email informing me of "We added 1g for $15". I called asking for help as I knew not what had happened to possibly consume that amount of data and would not have allowed it to happen. And, explained being a customer for so many years (even showing full LTE Signal to the rest of my family on a plan with Verizon who didn't have the same) that I called knowing "You all would take care of me". Explained my caution using data and presented facts based on my normal average data used. The fact I normally paid my bill very early and even over the amount due. And, simply needed help. First 60+ minute call (I had to give up waiting for her manager to enter a meeting). Zero Customer Retention offered. Gruffly, pay $1,000+ right now or we can not turn data back on. Wow.
Next call, Juan had assured me everything was set and would see all adjustment on my bill. Came up with a Retention Plan by changing my plan, allowing access to data immediately. Stayed there had been many cases of hacking/malicious reports and similar issues. We joked about a "More than a Mortgages amount of data". Again, assured me; credits were made to my account, I may actually have a lower bill, he would file a case to investigate malicious activity and I was all set. Sadly, that doesn't seem to be the case. I can no longer spend time one the phone, chat or the like. I have asked for someone to please contact me. Joking, you have my number. You gave it to me. I payed (early) the 6 month average of my bills on good faith that the matter was solved. I need help. The amount is that equivalent of my mortgage. I mean Houston, we had a problem. I plead with you for assistance to rectify this matter and to follow up with me with the solution.
Next call, Juan had assured me everything was set and would see all adjustment on my bill. Came up with a Retention Plan by changing my plan, allowing access to data immediately. Stayed there had been many cases of hacking/malicious reports and similar issues. We joked about a "More than a Mortgages amount of data". Again, assured me; credits were made to my account, I may actually have a lower bill, he would file a case to investigate malicious activity and I was all set. Sadly, that doesn't seem to be the case. I can no longer spend time one the phone, chat or the like. I have asked for someone to please contact me. Joking, you have my number. You gave it to me. I payed (early) the 6 month average of my bills on good faith that the matter was solved. I need help. The amount is that equivalent of my mortgage. I mean Houston, we had a problem. I plead with you for assistance to rectify this matter and to follow up with me with the solution.