I turn off the WiFi, Bluetooth and data usage on smart phone(when not using the phone & when I do use it..it is very limited time)....then am on my laptop for less than hour and run the Dell or Epson update and receive notice of the $15 charge. I dont stream music or videos or spend alot of time on phone or computer. the last time I called and complained the only solution the lady gave me was to pay extra $100 for the 16gb...as opposed to $15 hit every time I do an update.
My bill for this service is over $122 per month...this doesnt include hits for data use over 6gb.
My zip code is 77565 and I do not like Comcast...so I was told I would have to have separate line for laptop connection (WiFi) to internet. This service is up in November. I have aetna tv.
In checking out the internet...looks like Consumer Celluar is the only option.
Please advise.