Trying to settle an old account
Ok I am trying to get a job and I can not go onto the next step in interviewing without taking care of this debt. Unfortunately I had the phone so long ago that I don't remember the number. And the...
View ArticleSuspended services
I called last Thursday the 21st and rescheduled my payment arrangement for this Thursday the 28th. My service was susspended today. I had a legitment payment arrangement set up and it was not followed...
View ArticleBilling rip-off. Used a hot-spot for two weeks and got charged for two months...
On Sunday March 13th, I arrived in Texas. I had taken a week off college + my spring break week to help rebuild houses that had burned down in the wildfires. We arrived at the ranch where we were...
View ArticleAT&T is trying to rob me and also, just hung up on me!!!!!
Here is my issue: in the frames of 2014 "Black Friday" campaign we received LG tablet for free, with monthly fees of $10.00 added to our family plan. In 3-4 month tablet broke and we were not using it...
View ArticleAdding Accessories to Bill
If my bill is current but I am unable to add the charges for accessories to my bill, what could be the reason?
View ArticleI am not an AT&T Customer and I just got a bill
Hi - I just received an invoice in the mail for a wireless phone, however I AM NOT an AT&T customer. Been on hold with the Operator for over an hour. Anyone have any advice?
View Articlewhere do I lodge a complaint
Where can I lodge a complaint about a rep at one of the wireless stores? A very rude and abusive person. I have posted it on Facebook but want to have an official complaint about him.
View ArticleAccount Canceled & Still being Billed
Account canceled after completing a two year contract. Contract completed on 3/14/2016. I canceled service on 3/18/2016. They disabled the wireless device when I canceled my service on 3/18/2016 but...
View ArticleCan't add a new credit card to make payments
When adding a new credit card, I'm unable to change the expiration month/day from the default selection on the Android app.
View ArticleApp
My app says I owe $2.79 last month and three dollars and 76 this month what going on?
View ArticleGoing to quit ATT! cheating on plans and keeping charge me monthly!!!
Some time in Dec/2015 I saw a promotion about buy one get one Smartphone Free with ATT add a line. I went to local AT&T store number 10678 on 12/17/2015. Representative explainded me about the...
View ArticlePaid off both Next phones, AT&T won't unlock
Hey, I paid off both of my Next iPhones, and the unlock page says that I still have an outstanding balance. It said to wait 24 hours and try again and I did and it still says the same thing. I can see...
View ArticleEither I am given access to a higher ranking supervisor or we will leave ATT
We have been ATT customers -- GOOD customers -- for eight years.On Saturday we went into an ATT store to replace my wife's iPhone which is lost. Our experience seemd fine until we got home and realized...
View ArticleQuestion about my bill
Hi, I was trying to figure out what the voicemail charge is on my account, I see the $15 charge on both of my lines
View ArticlePayment Agreement
Can AT&T send me an email confirmation that they will not suspended my service prior to my last payment in my payment agreement time??
View ArticleGetting my phone turned back on
I have a past due bill and I need to see what I can do to get it turned back on I'm not sure if they've sent out a form that has any info of disconnecting the phone or not. Any help is appreciated...
View ArticleNext Plan Cancellations
Hi, I wanted to know if there is any way that I could pay my next plan phone off in payments instead of having to pay it in full if my parents want to disconnect my phone from their contact but I want...
View ArticleMobile Data charges every three hours on my sons bill
What app is causing my son's bill to have a mobile usage charge every three hours?The charges are appearing even at 3am and 6am when he is asleep? Any insight would be appreciated. J
View ArticlePast due amount due today
My service has never been shut off. I fell behind on my bill due to my father's death. I was given only until today to pay $560. I leave on a flight tomorrow night for my father's service and I have no...
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