Today I recived an email stating that an extra 300mb of data was added to my account because I went over my data limit. This isn't the first time.
Last night I was using data to check some stuff online using the "Internet" app on iPhone 4s, and at 9:54, I turned my data on and texted the Check Data number (*3282#) and it said I was at 144.1 of 300. That's after nearly a month of using it here and there. I continued using it until aout 10:15, at which time I re-checked the data, this time it said 144.9. I turned it off and have not used it since, but somehow I went a whole 72 mb over 300. So they're saying that in that 20 minutes I used over 200mb of data, simply by scrolling through the internet. Something I've done before and haven't gone over. I know different web pages can affect your data differently, but I use the same couple ones all the time, and I never go over.
Not only that but I have requested to be alerted when I reach 75% of my data, which I obviously didn't, and still have yet to get a 75% warning.
How can I go about this? I don't feel like I should pay. I'm very avid about checking my data when I'm using it, I'll often text the data number a few times each time I turn my data on.
This is the second time this has happened where I've gone over without recieving any notifications about almost hitting my limit. Also where the data check has given me an untrue number.