Awhile back an employee told me if I switch to the Mobile Share plan (I had 3 IPhones) it would save me money each month. I checked it out and I did switch. That employee as well as others at a later time told me I could also add a line and I could have a total of four lines for $160 per month. I'm sure you have all seen their commercial as well that says; " Have up to four lines with AT&T Mobile Share for $160 a month. ". Once again I doubled checked with employee since I wanted to add another IPhone for my mother. I was told I could do this and her line would be the same as the other two extras on my account. Those two only pay $19.13 a month each. So I got my mom a new iphone and she dropped hers off my uncles plan because hers was costing more than that for a regular phone, not a smart phone. We made this change on July 2nd. I received my bill yesterday which was almost $300. $40 was activation fee that I was not told about and when I added the other two, I did not have to pay for activation. And the bill also said that her phone would be $40 per month with of course all the other extra charges which will put it around $50 or more. I called ATT. I was told that other price did not apply when adding a new phone line. I explained I was never told this when I explained to their employees what I wanted to do. Also I brought up the TV commercial that says up to four lines for $160 a month with Mobile Share and it doesn't say only with lines you already have. The supervisor said the commercial does say this in the small print. I was furious then. Like I said to him, "You don't have enough time to read the small print on a commercial". He said "Well it's there". Now why would they even run this commercial if not intended to trick people as I was tricked? Think about it, why run that commercial to let people who already have more than one line with them know that they can save money by switching to mobile share. This only causes them to lose money and many businesses would pay the price of a commercial only to allow their customers to pay less money. That is not how businesses operate. They do not have the customer best interest when airing the commercial, but intend on people doing exactly what I did which was get screwed by AT&T. Apparently they only changed this plan to only include lines/phones you already have with them on Feb. 28, 2014. I am so angry. I can't afford the extra cost. My mother cannot afford it either so I will not even tell her about it. We would never had deleted her old account if I would have been told the truth.