As a former att agent from years ago it amazes me reading some of these posts and listening to my friends talk people that call in. How about looking at your bill before calling in and screaming at the agents that its too high. Don't call in screaming and cursing the agents out and saying att hacked your phone and used all your data. If you have coverages for data, you used your data. If you upgrade, unless your company states it, you have to pay the upgrade fee or maybe activation fee. Att just doesn't add charges to your bill. How about being adults, taking responsibility for your account. Don't call in and ask for credits for whatever reason. It's not going to happen. You won't call your electric company and say I didn't use my lights today so I should not have to pay for it. They would laugh at you. You get notices about everything. Again take responsibilitybecause your bill is your bill, not att. How bout just call in and say sir/madam thank you for your service. We are lucky enough to be able to afford a phone because there's a million homeless people in America that don't been have food or water.