I have just about had it with At&t. In JUly I redid my plan. The tech guy said a wireless phone was including in the plan. I told him I did not want it. He said it was included wether i wanted it or not. So I take this device home. I never used it the entire month. I get my bill and im billed an activation fee and monthly fee for use. I take it back to the store and explain I was mislead and want it removed. They did restock the device for free. I then get my next bill and its still on there ,when i dont even have the device. After 2 hrs on the phone being shipped back and forth between the departments and them calling the store to verify it was returned. They finally disconnect service. Now I get my next bill and theres a 140$ deactivation fee for something I never wanted in the first place. Lets also say I never tried to get the acitvation fee back or that first months credit back. But I am not paying for this fee. They have lied to me on multiple occasions. I called them this morning to straighten it out. They say they have to call the store to verify it was returned. What, Really? We've been through this for 3 months now. And each time they tell me theres a note on my account explaining everything that was done and that it was returned. If I didnt then how can you charge me a deactivation fee?!.Now IM waiting for them to return a call to me that Im sure I'll never get. I can gaurantee this one thing. I will be canceling my account when the time is up? I'm done. And on another note. Im not paying this fee!