Returned payment
My payment was returned for insufficient funds I had slate direct deposit from work will AT&T try again or should I try to make the payment myself again? My account is past due
View ArticleSuspended service
I woke up this morning to find my phone service suspended. So I call att to pay the past due balance and restore my service, only to have the automated system take my payment and NOT restore my...
View ArticleVacation in Hawaii
Will there be additional charges while visiting Hawaii (texting, calling or data)?
View ArticleThe customer says 2013
I just got to talking to supervisor and I told her I was in a car wreck I've been a customer since 2013 and with only $50 a month phone service no contract I chose to stay with AT&T but...
View ArticleService
I currently have 3 iPhones with unlimited talk and text through Verizon. I have 10GB a month of data. How much would this cost me at AT&T?
View ArticleReinstatement of a Disconnected Service
My phone service was disconnected due to non payment. I've called several times about the restoral process and each time a representative told me that all I had to do was pay the balance on the bill...
View Articlelate payment arrangements
just a quick question. I made late payment arrangements to occur on 08/05/16.I was wondering if I pay the balance due on 07/24/16, will my CC be charged again on the "due date" for the already paid...
View ArticleWireless account opened less than 24 hours before closing --Charged $78??
My line was under a family plan under my father's name. I had him move the line to my name, I closed the account the next day, had the phone unlocked, and moved the number to a different carrier. The...
View ArticleMy bill
I canceled my auto pay, you took out 258.04 I need that put back into my acct asap
View ArticleI thought I was a loyal customer
Farewell A T & T. I really found out the real A T & T. After moving in my residence 5 yrs. ago, I selected A T & T for my internet, TV and Cell phone. After all, I had A T & T in my...
View ArticleDenied Payment Arrangements
I'm being denied any type of arrangement in order to keep my services with AT&T , I may have to make a switch. 😢 Any suggestions?
View ArticleI have made last installment payment on my iPhone 5S. Will my monthly bill...
I have just made the last installment payment on my iPhone 5S. Will my monthly bill automatically go down to just the charges for access and service?
View Articlewhere can you mail a payment ?
I need to know where i can mail a money order to pay my wireless bill.
View Articleaccount payment
I was supposed to get a call from someone in accounts receivable about my schedule payment. I don't have the funds to make this payment. I had the wrong date of which I get paid. I will have the money...
View ArticleBill problem
recently, I'm outside the USA for vacation. Before I left USA, I suspended the 2 lines. However, I recieved a bill of the regular monthly payment. Can you fix this problem because I am afraid that the...
View ArticleMy past due
My past due is 177.92 if I pay 100 right now will that keep my phone on till the 29th till I can pay the rest of my bill
View ArticleUpdating myAT&T app on Samsung Note 4
24 JUL 2016I recently received an Email saying that AT&T CHANGED (hopefully for the better) the appearance of the bill, usage data, etc. & to UPDATE my current myAT&T do I go...
View ArticleUpgrade fee
Hello. I believe that I already payed for the upgrade fee at the store in early June, but it is charged on my next bill again.Please check it once more.Thank youAnnabelle[edited for privacy-please do...
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