i have spent the last hour of my life on the phone with at&t. a couple months ago i gave up my unlimited data plan and moved to a 15 gig family plan. the gentleman who helped me told me how much my phone bill would be after this. IT HAS NEVER BEEN THE AMOUNT HE QUOTED ME. It is at least 60 dollars higher per month. I spoke to a customer service rep for 0ver 30 minutes today who finally said, "oh, i can only talk about your cell service. you have a bundled plan"...WHAT??? I pay ONE bill. Have we really gotten so smart that we are THAT STUPID? how many departments do i need to speak to in order to address this issue. If i was told my bill would be one amount if i give up my unlimited data, and i do give up my unlimited data, AND THEN MY BILLL is NEVER the amount i was quoted IS THAT LEGAL???? I believe it's called THE BAIT AND SWITCH. After being transferred at least 3 times and each time being sent back into the same answerwing system, and spending AN HOUR doing this, I hung up. When I transfer my cellular and home service - both of which i have had for over a decade - and you lose my money - maybe you won't feel it. but if enough people tired of getting ripped off, do something about, maybe you will. I kept asking to be transferred to someone who could talk to me about my total bill - apparently this person doesn't exist. I am beyond livid. what a sense of futility i feel about my service and this company. i can't get rid of AT&T fast enough. why is there not someone there who takes calls from people who have reached the end of their cellular rope? or are there SO MANY of us, the wait time is 6 minutes??? unacceptable.