I started using the GO Phone foir my Iphone 3 over two months ago. I immediately signed up for auto payment so I would not have any interuption of my service. I have a disable person in my household and I have to travel for my job. Today my phone was shut off. When I called and through all the auto dialling problems and finally got to talk to a real person. I was told that I had to set this auto payment to a date before my expiration date. I said I set it up so it would be paid on the first of each month. She said it was schedule to expire on the 30th of each month. I ask if you set it at $50 a month plan and you set it for the same date each month, then why is there a break of my service. Do I have to set it up for the 28th of each month so I will not have a break in service. She never would answer my question and just kept repeating the same thing. I do not understand if AT&T is suppose to be so high tech that they can't take in consideration the different date that months end. I quess Leap Year will just blow their minds away! Any suggesstion on how to get any response for such poor customer service? I am a person who wants what he pays for and will not accept poor service. When I get good service I tip very well, because I work in the customer service industry. I have tip watress $20 dollars on a $25 dollar bill because of oustanding service. Does anyone agree with me, or should I change my philosphy to accept whatever I get.