Really frustrated with the way AT&T calculated bill and customer care first tried to justify wrong bill. Then not clearly ready to accept mistake in bill. After some time went for new ways of calculations and finally accepted mistake on bill. Now i am being asked to go to one more department to get bill adjusted. That too with some amount not clearly explained? Is this what i pay for 48 months of association. This is really ridiculous. Who can help to fix bill?
Archie : Good evening Kumar! Let me help you to understand your bill.
Kumar : thanks
Archie : You are welcome. Let me check your bill.
Kumar : ok
Archie : Great! Do you have the PDF of your bill?
Kumar : yes i do
Archie : Perfect! Just give me a minute or 2 to review the bill.
Kumar : ok
Archie : Thank you/
Archie : Let me check if we looking at the same bill Kumar.
Archie : Can you tell me the bill cycle date you are looking now?
Kumar : i am looking at current bill
Kumar : payable on sep 9th
Archie : Alright! Let me explain why this bill is higher than what you expect for your new plan.
Archie : Can you go to page 2 of your bill.
Kumar : ok
Archie : Great! Lets start with monthly charges, what do you notice for the months in this section of your bill?
Kumar : Aug15-Sep14
Archie : Good! That is the month advance for the new plan. Or the overview of your monthly bill, next month.
Kumar : ok
Archie : Month advance is like mortgage or renting a house.
Archie : Lets proceed now to other charges and credits.
Archie : At number 6, you notice that you have credit from your old plan, this a credit for that days that you don't use the old plan.
Kumar : ok
Kumar : why that credit is 15.8
Kumar : when charge is 39.99/month
Kumar : so 15 days credit should be 20
Kumar : approx
Kumar : like addition is 20 in below section
Archie : The credit is calculate from the end of the old plan, till the remaining days on your cycle.
Archie : Since the changes of your plan happen last 07/30 and your cycle end at 15th.
Archie : Also we deduct the usage from the start of the cycle till the day you request to change your plan.
Kumar : right i assume this removal of plan was 7/30. and credit should be for period 7/30-8/14 = 16 days
Kumar : and usage period was 7/14-7/30 = 15 days
Kumar : so credit should be more than 50% of 39.99
Kumar : so somewhere around 20 not 15.8
Archie : Correct! And don't forgot the usage from 15 to 30. I'm sorry your cycle ends at 14th.
Kumar : right so 15.8 credit is for how many days?
Archie : For 13 days Kumar.
Archie : Let me give you the computation on how to get your credit.
Kumar : according to me this credit should be (16*39.99/31) = 20.64
Kumar : if you see addition, its almost 50% of 40
Kumar : so should be credit due to mid-month computation
Archie : I will verify it 1st Kumar.
Kumar : ok
Archie : I'm currently computing it Kumar.
Kumar : thanks
Archie : Sorry for long hold.
Archie : Still figuring Kumar.
Kumar : np
Archie : Thanks.
Archie : Still with me Kumar?
Kumar : yeah
Kumar : how is it going?
Kumar : so complex calculation for you guys then how it will be for me as end user
Kumar : anyways thanks for your help on all this
Kumar : and sorting it out
Archie : You are always welcome. Sometimes computing partial charges is usually confusing.
Kumar : hmmm
Archie : That is why we making sure that correct formula Kumar.
Archie : So here it goes Kumar, your credit was calculated this way $39.99 / 30 days * 12.
Kumar : why?
Kumar : 7/30-8/14
Kumar : ok so here i believe there is some computation error from AT&T
Archie : Nope, there is no error Kumar. Every bill is only count at 30 days only.
Archie : We do not include the 31st of the months.
Kumar : right
Kumar : so change on plan is on 7/30
Archie : So we will start at the 1st of August.
Archie : Correct! And end at 14th.
Kumar : wow
Kumar : so in credit AT&T calculates this as 12 days
Kumar : and in charging customer you guys charge for 15 days
Archie : It actually depend to the day that you changes your plan Kumar.
Archie : We base our calculation for the credit for the remaining days of your cycle, where in you don't use the old plan.
Kumar : so i changed plan on 7/30
Kumar : and refund is given for 7/30-8/14
Kumar : how come this is 12 days?
Archie : Since we don't include the 31st, the count start at 1st of August till 14th.
Archie : Ooopss Kumar, I see sorry I compute the days wrong. I apologize for this error.
Kumar : ok if that is the case then
Kumar : 7 & 8
Kumar : reduce
Kumar : no
Kumar : i will go by your words now
Kumar : and lets go for 12 days
Kumar : so now explain me item 7 and 8
Kumar : and lets calculate those
Archie : Sure! Before I correct my error to you.
Archie : At number 7 and 8, this is the partial charges for the new plan. Or the usage from the 30th of July till 14th of August.
Kumar : good
Kumar : so usage is 15 days
Kumar : from 7/30-8/14
Kumar : and when it comes to rebate, it is 12 days from 7/30-8/14
Kumar : what kind of math is this?
Archie : I know you are confuse and I apologize for my error Kumar.
Archie : The credit supposed to be 13 days.
Kumar : ok please explain item 6: 15.8 = 39.99*X/30?... then item 7 and 8: 20=40*X/30
Kumar : so X in both places should be same. right?
Kumar : X being number of days
Kumar : correct?
Kumar : according to you what is this number of days?
Archie : It supposed to be 13 daysm, and we are short of one day Kumar.
Archie : **days.
Kumar : ok so if i go for 13 days calculation, number in item 6 should be (13*39.99/30)=17.329
Archie : Same here Kumar.
Kumar : then item7 and 8 will be (13*40/30)= 17.33
Archie : Nope Kumar. This how you get it.
Kumar : if some service is removed on 7/30 and added on 7/30. So days starting from 7/30 to end of billing cycle (8/14). Should it not be same?
Kumar : if i am confusing you, then will you be able to put your calculation here?
Archie : Correct!
Archie : I will Kumar, I'm working on it.
Kumar : yes please. looks like this is all messed up
Archie : I understand you, and I will make sure that is everything will be clear after this chat Kumar.
Kumar : thanks
Archie : You are so much welcome.
Kumar : still working?
Archie : Yes Kumar sorry.
Kumar : ok
Archie : Just hold on for a while Kumar.
Archie : Kumar,here is what happen to your partial charges, Since the Credit is shorten it applied to the partial charges for the new plan, so if you add it will be the same.
Archie : Still with me?
Kumar : yes
Archie : Great! I thought I lose you.
Kumar : no i m really anxious to understnd maths.. i hv been AT&T customer for 4 yrs now
Kumar : and seeing this bill has made me worried
Kumar : so can you explain your words in numbers?
Archie : Sure! Here you goes.
Archie : $40/30 * 13 days (apply same with number 8)=17.33 also. I admit that there is wrong to your bill, however in this partial charges you only paying $7.48.
Archie : So you don't need to worry so much Kumar.
Kumar : ok so item 6 according to you is 17.33
Archie : Correct!
Kumar : lets move on to 7 and 8 with same days
Kumar : with same calc, item 7 and 8 will be 17.33
Kumar : and then item 10 will be 10.83
Kumar : so i m eligible for approx $10 credit
Kumar : so my bill should be approx. $55
Archie : Where do you get the $55 Kumar?
Kumar : in this section, there is calculation mistake of $10
Kumar : right?
Archie : You are correct Kumar.
Kumar : so that should be credited to my account
Kumar : my total bill for this month is approx $65..
Kumar : so with this $10 additional credit, it will become in range of $55
Kumar : will you process this credit?
Archie : And this only for this month Kumar.
Kumar : right
Kumar : so are you processing this credit?
Kumar : and on top of that AT&T wasted my 2 hrs due to this error
Archie : I really like to Kumar however we can only remove the $7.48 at your bill in your case my department is not handling this credit.
Archie : Let me call you to your line and connect you to the correct department.
Kumar : my phone is busy right now
Kumar : so now i need to explain another department on all these?
Archie : Nope its not Kumar, I fully documented all our transaction today.
Kumar : nevermind.. i will pay $7.48 and will not like to take additional pain of speaking to one more department
Archie : If you want I can call you back tomorrow and connect you with them.
Kumar : thank you for your help. if anything can be done offline, i would like that to happen
Kumar : now i am not going to spend single minute on this
Kumar : now i am out of patience
Kumar : wrong bill
Kumar : explaining takes 2+ hrs
[edited for privacy-please do not post personal information such as full names]