Horrible customer service, as they apparently do not need my 1200.00 a year.
Just so we are clear.. I am leaving at&t.
Why because they turned off my cell phone for non-payment because they said I broke a payment arrangement. I never made a payment arrangement, I did not need to make a payment arrangement as they had charged me for calls I did not make, for a returned phone under warranty that they said I returned with a crack in the screen, and were now disalowing the return and sending the phone back and charging me 75.00 for a phone I can go buy new for 49.99 at Walgreens or Best Buy. Good thing I put it in the box at an at&t store took a picture of the pristene phone as we put it in their shipping box, clearly showing no "cracks" in the screen and they sent it out. WOW what a scam they have going there,, you send in a phone under warranty, in this case the a Galaxy Samsung series phone, it was shutting down and or overheating and or not charging, and it was not the battery, I had a new Samsung battery for the phone, an original Samsung and it did the same thing, so that was not the cause. I disputed it and based on the fact i had pictures and they did not, they said when I got the bill , my next months bill, there was a 75 charge on it, and then the old phone showed up in the mail with a crack in it, they said they had pictures of them taking the phone out of the box with the damage on it, and that is standard policy to take a picture when receiving a warranty item, I said OK send me a pic, well they could not, somehow they were lost and not available. Needless to say I disputed it and they miraculously granted me a credit.
However while this was all going on my bill was supposedly in limbo, and I asked do I need to pay it regardless of credit or no credit coming, and they said no and assured me don;t worry there is a note on the account while this matter of a credit is pending my wireless account will not be in jeoparady of being turned off, shame on me for believing them, they did exactly that, about a week later while I was waiting for the account to be credited, they did just that in the middle of a call to of all people at&t while I was on a call putting in a new at&t DSL circuit at a McDonalds, at noon while we had their credit card readers down, while testing the new circuit and porting it over, and configuring it, the manager was understanding but I would not have been and would have been upset I switched to a land line but it took an hour to get my cell back and then I get the bill today and they charged me 2 fees, a 5.00 convienance fee and a 40.00 restore fee, to turn it back on, so I was held hostage after the fact, I pay my bill within a day or 2 of getting it, I did not this past month because of nearly 130.00 worth of charges in dispute, both my DSL and wireless cell service at home should be under the disputed amount thus I was told don't be concerned about it, your service will not be shut off and you do not need to pay it, well until the credits are issued, what I was not told is now this is considered "eing in a payment plan" and once the money is credited well it will be due and payable in full right now, since I did not pay it when it was due, a 7.45 charge was added for a late fee, it just goes on and on and on, I am done, I can go to US Cellular, TMobile, or Verizon, and get more Gb's of data I can download per month.
They win, after spending over 4 hours listening to 4 different "customer service reps" typing and typing and coming back every 2 or 3 min and saying still working on it.. well in the end it turns out I violated their policy, and it was my fault for not honoring the terms of my agreement I had established, meaning their super secret agreement to pay my bill by such and such a date, that I had agreed to a payment plan, and then I broke that agreement!!!! Not once ever ever ever did the rep or should I say reps I had called into, to dispute the phone return, or the late payment fee or the phone calls on my buill when I have unlimited calling, ever use the phrase "payment arrangement plan" !!!!!!
Soo Bye Bye at&t and hello Time Warner, and ?? Verizon maybe??? Jeffrey