Well I have been a customer with AT&T for over a year using their UVERSE service. I decided to move my residance over a month ago and I logged into the site to do a simple change of address and request my service be moved to my new place. I started the process over a month ago and still do not have service as of today. I had three different dates that the customer service people provided to me and I wasted my valuable time waiting at my house for several hours each time to have no technican show up. I called the UVERSE customer service line over 45 different times with everyone giving me a different reason on why no one has shown up from they couldnt find the order to a server issue to a system glitch in the order to have a tech come out. After being frustrated and missing so much work I just gave up and requested my contract be cancelled since obviously no one was going to assist me . I was told mutlpe times a manager would call me and I never received one call back. Duting my transtion period I saw that you could bundle your home , internet and cell phone so we signed up to get 3 lines with AT&T . That was on 06/27. We only received two phones and they took over 9 days to receive , they did not updated my new address so the phones when to the old address and we had to have Fedex hold them and travel to get the phones. We finally received the final phone on 07/24 after I had to call yet another 15 times to find out where the phones were at and reorder them because customer service never informed us ( on all the calls ) that the phones were on back order. I went into the store at Memorial and May to see if I could get any help but I still had to deal with the cusotmer service line. Because AT& still doesnt have our cable and internet hooked up we are running GB's on the plan and now we had to either up the plan or get charged overages. The sales reps in the store warned me not to bundle my service as the billing gets messed up. How would you promote a service that you clearly can not support. I then received a text ( havnt had the phone for even thirty days and one we just received last week ) and I have a 235 dollar prepaid bill for service we barley received and then I will get another bill for 285 in 5 days. We a called to complain I was insulted at the fact that customer service was willing to give me a twenty dollar credit on my account. That was a slap in the face !! I have spent over 40 hours just in this month alone making calls and getting no assistance. I called over 24 hours ago and requested a operations manager and I have YET to receive a call back. AT&T im out of here. I am a manager for a company and under technicans and I was truly offended at the service that I have been provided by AT&T . I will be leaving my cell phone service and going back to T-Mobile . I hope these forum helps to spare even one customer the same issues that I went through. I hope that when I drop my contracts that I surely dont get any bills for the none month of service I received!!!!