Towards the end of last billing cycle, I knew I was coming close to my 1GB of data limit.
So on the night of the end of my billing cycle, with 3 hours until the next billing cycle began, with 24 megabytes to spare on my data plan, I disabled all mobile data on my phone, put it into airplane mode, and went to sleep.
I open my .PDF bill a couple days later to find that I was billed $20 for extra data.
It made me sick that a such a huge corporation has such fraudulent billing charges. According to the billing, in that 3 hour period, I had mysteriously used 60 megabytes of data. On my phones data log for the ENTIRE DAY, I am at 1 megabyte.
How many people has AT&T fraudulenty charged $20 extra or more for other overages that are close enough to be dispuatable. Is this a common practice?
Luckily, I took screenshots of my AT&T data usage directly from their website that night to protect myself because I had a hunch that they would try to charge me for overages, and my hunch was correct.
THIS IS A BREACH OF CONTRACT. THIS IS FRAUDULENT. I wonder if an investigation by the FCC or FTC or the Bureau of Consumer Protection would turn up a very slimey pattern of billing.
Also, when I signed up, I was lied to by the sales associate. I was told that my USG State Department discount of 15% would apply to the entire bill. Instead, it applied only to a small portion of the bill giving an effective discount of 3%. More lies. More slimey practices. I am pretty disgusted.