My phone service was disconnected due to an outstanding balance of $1.069. I have a trip planned 8/3 and can not go without a phone so on 8/1 I went to a retail store to pay the balance WITH CASH so that my service could be restored immediately. Also, my phone was stolen 7/9/16 and to replace the device I knew the service had to be restored, hence me paying in cash, in person. So the sales person says he has to split the payments up in 3 different payments because of the total. So he does two payments for $500 and one for $69. I receive 3 receipts from each of the transactions, but only 2 confirmation emails. I check my online account and it says I have an outstanding balance of $500. While waiting around the store for the payment to post --- it never does. The sales person has no idea what is going on so we call customer service. The guy states that the payment did not go through (HOW IF I PAID IN CASH?). He states that likely due to making 2 payments for the same amount one was voided out, again HOW IF I PAID IN CASH? He then states to have the sales person refund me the $500 and to make another payment in a different amount, i.e., $501. Sounds like a plan only that the sales person states that he can not do refunds. I call customer service again and the lady states there is nothing she can do since I made my payment at a RETAIL store and not the CORPORATE store. SMH At this point the sales person is on the line with "Tio," the 3rd party payment people and they state the payment will post 8/2/16 at 2pm. Well now its 4:47pm and nothing has posted. My mom is an authorized user on my account andshe presented to the store today and spoke with the treasury dept who states they're waiting on At&t to post the payment and if it is not done by the end of the day to call the store again. Smh this has been a headache and at the end of the day I still will not have a phone before I board my flight 8/3/16.