Customer for over 15years, but for the last 6 mos, I have had the unpleasant duty of once a month calling to fix the same charges. After following Att protocol, opening a case about the charges, following up, we still are told to just file a complaint.
If I have agreed to a contract for both UVerse & Wireless for over $300/mo, plus dealing with subpar 4G, as well is premium price for minimal data... I will pay CLOSE attention to my plan. When I signed up for the plan over 15 years ago, a few have changed for us & for ATT. But modifying the plan, adding UVerse.. All show my loyalty. But ATT has done a poor job to show theirs. If the charges weren't there when I signed and resigned for a contract.. How in this free enterprise system do you think you can change mid-game and suggest it was "disclosed but not added".
Do the right thing ATT, and be honest. If you open a Case to "get to Find the root cause of issues", then do it... Managing your accounting and contracts is not my business, it's yours. If you fail, accept it.
Fix the "discount for access" for the line that we use and help us receive a promised bill of $20+/mo charge per additional line. And give me back my hour once a month to NOT have to do your job, but rather mine... Which does pay the bills.
If I have agreed to a contract for both UVerse & Wireless for over $300/mo, plus dealing with subpar 4G, as well is premium price for minimal data... I will pay CLOSE attention to my plan. When I signed up for the plan over 15 years ago, a few have changed for us & for ATT. But modifying the plan, adding UVerse.. All show my loyalty. But ATT has done a poor job to show theirs. If the charges weren't there when I signed and resigned for a contract.. How in this free enterprise system do you think you can change mid-game and suggest it was "disclosed but not added".
Do the right thing ATT, and be honest. If you open a Case to "get to Find the root cause of issues", then do it... Managing your accounting and contracts is not my business, it's yours. If you fail, accept it.
Fix the "discount for access" for the line that we use and help us receive a promised bill of $20+/mo charge per additional line. And give me back my hour once a month to NOT have to do your job, but rather mine... Which does pay the bills.