I have dtv account # *****. Accidentally scheduled a payment for today instead of may 4th. If the money is taken out today it will cause an overdraft fee on my bank account. I do auto bill pay for dtv and have been a long time customer. Also i have att uverse which i also do auto bill pay on as well. These 2 accounts did not go through on their scheduled due dates due to my bank closing my debit card due to fraudulent activity. So i provided my bank routing # and account #to get my bills psid up to date .
Now concerning the monility issue, the account # on the mobility bill is ***** there phone# associated with this account is [edited for privacy-please do not post personal or unique information such as but not limited to full names, employee ID numbers, email addresses, phone numbers, account numbers, etc.]. I am not or never have been associated with this wireless#
Mobility issue