My att tv service was out and messed up for over 3 mos and then went out while myself and friends were watching the MASTERS OK no one count come out until the next day so I had no TV WIFI so now my data is over because of all the mess ok I was told that I would get money on my acct and at least 5 gigabits added to my service well now I was hit wit going over is their no end to this I am sorry but I am a ret vet and don't have s lot of money ok I ask for help and to date I have still not got it my tv is still not working right and now It is coasting me money . I have never said this but I am thinking of looking to see what is out their because I can not get help so this is my last resort can and will someone help me I can and will pay more and more and not get good service I hope you can see my side .
Thank you for any help
Thank you for any help