I am a retired FBI agent who was forced into retirement 8 years ago due to major car accident and brain damage. Being on Social Security I am on a very tight budget per month, however for my larger purchases I use my Federal Pension Program which holds MORE than enough money for whatever I need. However it works similar to a 401k program in that it is more like a checking account which is guaranteed by the Federal Government. I am looking to switch from Verizon because when my nurse helped me into a local store yesterday to fix a problem with this current phone, three of the employees including the manager turned their backs and were laughing at the way that I speak (due to brain injury and hearing loss) I am a quadopalegic and need help doing simple things but being laughed at by Verizon employees was uncalled for and very hurtful. I still cry when I think about it. I was on duty when the car accident happened at 93mph chasing down a man who had kidnapped a 3 year old boy playing in his front yard. For personal reasons I cannot go into what happened to that little boy because I lost control of my vehicle. Please help and please call as soon as possible as I want those people to have NO more of my or my country's money.