I currently have a 6 GB mobile share value plan with two devices. A few weeks ago I was doing some research trying to find a cheaper plan since we use less than 2 GB per month with both devices combined . I used the plan comparison feature on the AT&T app and found that they do have a 2 GB mobile share value plan that is $80 a month compared to the $130 a month we are currently paying. I spoke with a representative to confirm that nothing else would change with my plan if I switched to the 2 GB plan and he said everything would be exactly the same and he would recommend switching my plan on April 7 (today) in order to avoid any weird prorations. So I went to make the switch to the new plan today through the app and I got a screen that pops up asking me if I wanted the plan to take effect today or the first day of my next billing cycle (tomorrow). Which is the better day to switch, should I choose today or tomorrow? I know this is a last-minute question with it being 11:30 PM EST and all but I figured why not try and get an answer ! Thanks!