Since I paid a Contract Termination fee for my phone in Oct 2015 I have had to spend at least one hour each month speaking with a representative to get a refund for wrongly charged phone usage. Obviously, I am desparate to break this cycle.
How can I make contact with the right person to resolve this problem once and for all? Calling the available Customer Service telephone line or speaking with a representative in an ATT store is not working for me.
The represntatives I have spoken with have been very helpful and I understand that, at the heart of the problem, is the system established to bring together ATT and DirectTV billing. I know that my profile / status is correct with ATT. Someone was supposed to reset my account last month and, looking at my March statement, I can see that this did not happen. Is there a way I can unport or break apart my combined billing i.e. go back to receiving one bill from ATT and another from DirecTV?