Hi, my name is Mark and I'm with AT&T for seven years.
Two month ago, my son's phone Samsung Galaxy 6 Edge was broken and replaced with new one in timely manner. With a new phone, I got a returning label. I put a defective phone and returning label on the box and drop off in USPS location. I did not scanned or make a picture of returning label.
Since that time, nobody could not find the package at USPS or AT&T.
I paid yesterday $600 for the phone other vise I will be the subject of AT&T disconnection. I spoke to the Customer Support Manager and she was firm about paying right away, no delays.
What I’m looking is USPS tracking number for returning label. SOMEBODY created this label in warehouse, office and they use computer software for it. As an IT professional, I know that any data could be restored or found. With tracking number, I could go to post office and ask them history about lost package.
Please help to find tracking number.
Thank you!