I have been with ATT for at least 20 years. In February, I started receiving a BUNCH of "data overage" text messages. I was doing nothing different - NOTHING. I went to the local ATT store. Mike looked at our phones. He looked at my pattern of data usage, did not see ANYTHING on my phone that I was doing that could be incurring these constant overages. I was even getting them IN THE MIDDLE OF THE NIGHT! Seriously. I close my apps habitually, I do not play games, I do not stream videos. I use social media, but not to the point that would go over my data amount (20gb) - per Mike. So, he says to wait until my bill comes, and call ATT. So I did. And while the representative was very nice, he did NOTHING to help me. He did not offer to remove the charges, he could not tell me WHY I had these overages. All he could do was give me "payment arrangment" options. But he could not tell me WHY I had these overages. We went through the same 50 questions about phone usage that I went through at the ATT store. I cannot have unlimited data simply because the housing development where I live does not permit satellite dishes - so I am stuck with cable right now. But either way, there is no way that I used that much data in a matter of a couple of weeks. So, here is my quandery. Should I go to Verizon or pay an extra $200 in overages that I DID NOT INCUR, and that ATT cannot tell me HOW they were incurred? I've been a very good customer over the years. This really infuriates me!
Any others been through this? I know there have been MANY people I know who have been hit with unsubstantiated overage charges.