After 4 months of trying to sort out my bill and calling everymonth and getting different explanations and answere to how my credit for moving from sprint to Att will be applied they turned of my service today, when i first moved the agent said i will not have to pay unitl my credit is used up, $500 per line x 5 lines, the next month when i got a bill the agent said no need to pay the credit will be applied on the next bill, the 2nd bill same expalnation and the agent said it take 90 day, meen time i got and email saying they were going to turn my phones off, this agent said on the 3rd bill the credits would show up, again i offered to pay the bill but the agent said its no neceassary, next bill i callled again this time the agent said that the account has to be in good standing and that i was missed informed( by there agents) but they would listen to my previouse calls and call me back by march 23, NO CALL back and the phones where turned off. I was directed to the billing dept who i had to help find my acoount (usless rep- manager) called 611 after that and the agent said again i was miss informed and that i do not qualify for the credit and a manager will call in 2-4 hours.BTW now the credit can take up 6 months to show up and a good credit standing has to be there for 4.5 months. so that would mean pay the 5th month bill in the middle of the month, no call yet. this is my worst experience with an large company of the most usless enployees and customer service, i will never recomed them!!!!!