I have had an AT&T account for over a decade. For a while, my wife and I shared a 1GB Mobile Share Plan. Then, AT&T began offering the 10GB Mobile Share Plan for the same price we were paying for 1GB. I read the details presented to try and find "the catch", but AT&T's information indicated everything would be the same. So I changed plans.
Wrong move. My next bill was over $50 higher than my previous months' bill. Thus was due to the fact that a credit for our two phone lines would not be phased in until two months had elapsed. AT&T never disclosed the fact that the credit would be delayed. AT&T's online chat representative was slow and unresponsive to my questions and concerns, only adding to my frustrations.
There must be a way in which customers can register complaints about AT&T's inadequate pricing disclosures, without having to make some poor customer service representative (who can't do anything about it) sit there and mouth niceties in an attempt to placate our frustrations.
AT&T Complaint Department, if you're reading, you should do a better job as a company in identifying your hidden costs and fees to customers. If you're going to advertise a plan at a specific price, you should give customers that price, instead of relying on gimmicks like pending discounts that don't kick in for months. I am severely disappointed in this company, and am seriously considering moving my service once my contract is up. Not only was the pricing situation a disappointment, but the fact that you provide no avenue for complaints and no manner for taking responsibility for these cheap tricks and ploys only adds to my growing frustration.