A couple of month ago my son traded in his phone at Best Buy for an upgraded one. He was given a Best Buy gift card with the exchange. The trade in was a specification of the upgrade and a buy out of 29.00 and some change.
A few weeks later he and I (his mother) start getting texts and e-mails that we owe AT&T 260.00 for the phone that was not traded in. After a visit to Best Buy when my son asked what did they do with his phone (he was told that was his problem). A manager at AT&T who works directly with Best Buy said he would check into this but we never heard from him. Apparently, the employee at Best Buy did not indicate that there was a trade in and do what he was supposed to do with it or someone may have stolen it. After numerous phone calls and much frustration, Today, I paid the extra amount for the phone because my son is being harassed more and more. Actually, I am the account holder and should be the one they talk to. Anyhow, we have been customers of AT&T and have always defended their service to others but as soon as our contract is up we will be switching to another service.