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how much to add a line to family plan?


Okay so first of all, I want to add a line to my dad's family plan. It has two lines on it currently (him and my brother). I want unlimited texting and I think they have unlimited voice but im not sure, they have a couple gigs for data i think two. I want to know how much this costs. I looked at these forums before and they said like 20 bucks for an iphones or something like that. I dont care if its costs a little more than that I'm just saying. :) 


Now, to the tricky part. My dad has went to ATT store and talked to some lady and she said that the downpayment(or whev) was like $500 so I couldnt get an iphone. She said that after 6months of being there (and this month marks the 6th month) that we can 'CHECK' and see if it changed but there's no positives. So im confused by this greatly, please explain why she said that.


ALSO my brother and dad are payin like $150 dollars a month for their plan and I saw on ATT's pamplet that had 2 lines with unlimited txting 2GB data and im not sure how much voice but a pretty good amount was like $30bucks per line so like $60 bucks. This really annoys me, why would u put that in there if its practically impossible to get? Or are my brother and dad just getting scammed? Please answer Im not trying to harsh Im just really frustrated. :/ 

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