I now understand how to turn the data off, however I've been hit with multiple data usage overages over the past couple of months. It would be amazing if the company worked with the customer instead of driving them away by not offering a solution to fix the issue. I'm not paying for a dozen data usage costs when I've been sitting in front of my wifi for the majority of the time. The fact that the phone company chooses to use data as apposed to wifi based on signal superiority is a joke and I for one will not be subject to these elitist tactics to steal extra money from customers. If my bill isn't adjusted to fix the issue I will be taking my business elsewhere from now on. Your customer service rep that suggested it will just go to collections holds no sway over my decision, and in fact, is quite the opposite of customer service in my opinion. That's no solution and if the phone worked correctly I wouldn't be asking for a prorate on my bill. When the cost of an extra GB of data is $15 and they only offer to prorate me $25 that's not being helpful to the issue at hand. The problem is fixed as far as data usage goes, now it's up to ATT to decide if they want to continue to keep my business and erase these extra data costs that shouldn't have arose to begin with.