I wanted to port my number from Tmobile to AT&T, never expected a simple thing to get this complicated. After a week and 2 visits to an AT&T store (total time spent at the store - 3 hours), I finally get my AT&T sim on my 2nd visit with a relief that it's the end of hassles. But alas, it was just the beginning. Few days later I receive a bill with activation charges, plan charges and plan change charges. Guess what, the period is for 2 days before the date I got my sim. I thought I will get this sorted, but wait I get another bill with a different account number with plan charges, plan change charges and overage charges.
So, here is what I get for a single wireless plan activated on 29th October:
Bill 1 - Accnt No.1 - Date: 24th - 27th
Monthly Charges: 69.99
Plan Changes: 9.33
Activation Fee: 36.00
Other taxes 14.56
Other Fees: 4.95
Total: 134.83
Bill 2 - Accnt No. 2 - Date: 29th - 1st
Monthly Charges:69.99
Plan Changes: 7.00
Other Charges: 3.06
Other Taxes: 8.86
Discounts: -9.68
Total: 78.63
Clearly, AT&Ts system is messed up. After couple of hours of chatting with their agents, I am being asked to pay both the bills for now, with no confirmation of how much would be credited back to me. So after 3 days of use I have to pay 212+$. I really cant believe, such a big service provider can make such blunders and they have no way to correct them.
I am too tired of contacting agents, I just want to check if someone can help me out on this? I just want this sorted and wish to port my number back to an operator where I can continue my service without having to chase agents.
Thanks in advance!