I purchased a Galaxy S6 on April 21, 2015 (2 yr agreement). On April 23, 2015 I returned the phone to the store.
I was told there would NOT be an activation fee because it was returned within 72 hours. I was told I would NOT be charged an ETF fee because I returned the phone.
Here is by bill
First, I shouldn't be charged an ETF of $325. The phone was returned.
Second, I shouldn't be charged an activation fee.
AT&T policy states:
Your Termination Rights.Within the first 14 days after service activation, you may terminate your Agreement for any reason and not be required to pay an ETF. If you terminate within three (3) days of accepting the Agreement, AT&T will refund your activation fee, if any.
So why then, am I being charged?
And what about the surcharges of $32.90?
Or the sales tax of $23.99?