I noticed 3.17GB of video data charged to my plan since the rollover data, while on WiFi only and data is disabled on my device. I called Customer Care and they said they see it as valid data charges and tried to upgrade my plan which was interesting. I have not used my device any different than any previous months at all. I always watch YouTube on WiFi but never had the data charged to my plan. All this started when the data rollover plan was introduced on Jan 25th.... That is not allowed and AT&T won't credit my data back. A little peculiar? I'd say so because WiFi charges cannot be charged to a data plan, especially when you lose WiFi, you won't have data when it's disabled on the device. That's been a habit since this was an issue before with AT&T and now seems to have reintroduced itself. Probably more to users with high video usage and trying to get me to upgrade my plan is the wrong thing to tell a customer, expecially when I'm a wireless engineer and know how devices work over LTE and WiFi.