My bill became overdue so I paid only the past due amount a few days ago to avoid having my phone turned off. Today my phone was still turned off because I did not pay the current amount due in addition to the past due. I quickly paid the the remaining amount which brings my phone bill to a zero balance. The service was restored within 5-10 minutes so my phone was turned off for a total of maybe 30 minutes. This made me angry that my phone was turned off for not paying the the entire balance including current due especilly since I paid the past due. I called customer service because after paying the total balance there was a note that I would be charged a reactivation fee of $40.00. How can it cost $40.00 when my phone was off for 5 minutes? The lady I spoke with was very nice and after I asked her to remove the reactivation fee she said she could only do $25.00. She even agreed that it did not make sense because the same thing happen to her ATT bill. I asked to speak to a manager and she put a man by the name of Ben on the line. He not only refused to remove the total $40.00 fee he actually took back the $25.00 credit offered from the nice lady too. He could not explain his reasoning except to say it was company policy like a robot. I told him that I would be leaving ATT and he did not care one bit. In all my life I have never been treated this bad by a manager of a big company like ATT. I have been a customer for over 10 years and he treated me like dirt. I feel like I have been bullied into paying a fee from ATT that I feel was not fairly charged. Also when I spoike with the first lady on the phone I told her to go ahead with the $25.00 credit while I spoke with her manager. He then gets on the phone and decides to take it back? Keep in mind this was a regular conversation without any yelling and nobody said anything unprofessional. Can someone tell me if this is right or wrong? Also how do I fight this? I feel like this is David versus Goliath!
[Edited for privacy-please do not post personal or unique information such as but not limited to full names, employee ID numbers, email addresses, phone numbers, account numbers, etc.]