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VERY Poor customer service and support when it comes to taking care of your bill!


Since switching to AT&T back in March, 2014, I have sooo many regrets!  ARGH!  Especially when it comes to paying the bill.  On the day AFTER Christmas, (26th), I paid over $260 of my past due bill although my money was stretched thin.   Exactly one week later, AT &T suspended my service because I still had past due balance of $80.  Are you kidding me?  While I own up to my responsibilities of having to pay my bill, I was frustrated as I received no notification that suspension was in progress.  The only emails I received recently was confirming my 12/26 payment, and the next one indicating my NEXT payment due was on 1/21  NOT 12/2!!!  When I called AT&T, I ended up calling three times to get some type of service and support and received nothing but chastisement as they SWORE I received some notifications.  As I write to you now, I received absolutely NO notifications of suspension.  The manager I spoke with said I received a letter in the mail (No I did not), phone calls (NOPE), text messages (DEFINITELY NOT), and emails (see previous sentences --).  So from those four methods of communication, I received NONE of those indicating my account was in jeopardy of suspension.  I ended up having to figure out  way to pay the bill and the manager had the nerve to tell me it would be an additional $5.00 charge to have him do it.....ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?!?  I hung up on him and paid via online.  Once I logged onto my wireless account online, I went to my profile and found out that all methods of notification (email, text, etc.) were actually OFF, so that confirmed that I did not get any notices at all.  Why and how would a customer know that they must go into their profile to activate these features???  I think by default it should be automatically on with the option by the customer to disable.  Not the other way around.  I TRULY regret leaving Verizon and I am truly considering going back and there have been No benefits since I moved to this carrier service - only heartache.  Its unfortunate that  I had to speak with reps from AT&T three times today to finally get someone who understood and confirmed what I was saying.  Sadly, all she kept saying was..."I'm sorry, Mrs. Price".  --trust me..that gets old real quick and has no meaning as they are only reading off their queue cards.  I need action...not words!  



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