I hope AT&T reads this and gets their act together. If you agree, please make your voice heard.
The current method of billing international data and voice packages in absurd, ambiguous and down-right deceitful. AT&T forces you to add an international service for a whole month, even if you are using it for a few days. If you are traveling on the last day of your cycle, they bill you a full month of that international package then add another full month for the next cycle then credit back the amount of unused days from the previous month. Confusing? Absolutely! This leaves room for "errors" that always seem to favor AT&T.
Here is what AT&T HAS TO DO. If I need 800MB of international data, let my pre-purchase that data. This way I can travel as long as I want and not worry about my data usage. When it runs out, I just order more data! Is this so hard to implement? AT&T may say it is, but that is rubbish.
Currently if you sign up for a 120MB plan and then notice that you are going over that amount, you can't just go up to the next package. AT&T does a whole process of removing that package then adding the higher one, which again leaves the customer at a loss. On top of that, the current billing method is use-it-or-lose-it. If you sign up for the 800MB plan and don't use it all? Thats too bad for you, insignificant customer.
Again, AT&T, let us pre-puchase data!!!!!! It is the right thing to do! If you agree, please add your support to this post.