It would seem that most good, decent citizens have the same problem whenever they deal with large corporate customer service- whether that is the phone company, TV service, Internet, or even the electric company. These large corporations are more concerned about the short term bottom dollar than long term customer retention.
I recently called AT&T retention/escalation department about a problem with my bill. I was charged for going over my data plan 3 hours before my plan renewal when my phone was doing automatic updates. I called instantly when I realized what had happened (within 30 mins of the overage) and spoke to not one, but two people about the problem. The second person (a supervisor) seemed to understand the situation and while we both agreed that the charge was valid as per AT&T's guidelines, it was a charge that was in many way out of my control. He said that he would credit the charge but could not do so until it actually appeared on my bill and I would see the credit on the next month's bill. Not only was the credit not given, but when I called AT&T to discuss it, there was no record of the conversation with the supervisor and neither would the TWO new people I spoke to credit the charge. The supervisor Greg Gordon out of Mrytle Beach wouldn't honor what another person at the company, in his same position, offered. Instead, he kept reiterating that it was a valid charge and wouldn't give a credit.
At this point my frustration isn't even about the charge, its being told something by one supervisor and another by a different supervisor. Its about not honoring the commitment made. Its about horrible customer service!
I have been an AT&T cellular customer for almost 10 years and our relationship has had its ups and downs, most of the time the customer service is fine, in fact some folks are genuinely very helpful and are fantastic in providing customer service. But, when it's bad, its very bad. And this time I felt lied to and talked down to.
Oh did I mention how Mr. Gordon continuely cut me off and wouldn't allow me to speak. I did not yell or curse at him but it was obvious that he was not interested in anything I had to say. In fact, he disconnected the about rude! He was absolutely the worst.