I took over my company's ATT Wireless Account and have attempted to clean it up. The issues I am having are basically really simple. I have a number of suspended lines of service that are constantly coming unsuspended and I am being billed high charges for lines sitting in a box. Also in addition to this is the inability to get the bill paid on time because ATT will not issue my bill until about 2 weeks or less from the due date. I have talked to my account rep, I talked to her boss and then I talked to the Regional Executive VP who was very arrogant and rude to me. He refused to address the issues on the phone, instead he wanted to meet in person so he could see the whites of my eyes as he put it. I am not sure what he was driving at with this comment, but I didnt appreciate it at all. I then attempted to go over him and he shot myself and the manager over him an email jumping me for going around and accusing me of slander. His manager was a little better but still refused to do anything about the suspended lines and they both cited something about sox compliance which has absolutely nothing to do with terminating a line on a wireless account. I then attempted to speak with the office of the president but was sent back to the Regional Executive VP again and I am sick of dealing with this grossly incompetent person. He asked me to list out my issues for his management team - really after talking with these folks for 2 and 3 hours a day for about 3 months I need to tell you what my problems are - I believe they have been told in numerous emails and phone calls. I cant get ATT to take me seriously and I cant get past these individuals to reach a solution. I explained to all of the said individuals that my team was reviewing an offer from Verizon to move the lines and they said that threatening them wasnt going to get me anywhere and not one of them made an offer to keep my business or seemed up set by the fact that they might lose the business. Since the Office of the President has come into the picture I am still dealing with the Regional Executvice vp or whatever he calls himself and he is being very snide and trying to trick me into putting something in writing or saying something to him that he can use against me. He only called me once but he had a witness on the phone with him and told me to pick the plans I wanted and put it in writing what it would take to make me happy. I am not inclined to do ATT's job for them. I will not create my own proposals and fix my own account. I want a resolution and don't know what else to do other than move my service.