We have been with ATT for years and recently signed to our first smart phone plan. In month two I have been hit with a data fee and SOLD extra data WITHOUT MY CONSENT. This practice, apparently very common these days, is reprehensible to say the least. I urge all of you to DEMAND congress require these companies only to offer the chance to buy more data and not have the consumer automatically billed for a gig which suspiciously comes near the end of the billing month. Your forced-purchased data will not carry over btw. If we want this abuse to stop, we need to let ATT know we will not be with them long and need to let OUR representatives know that the people, not moneyed lobbyists, are the ones they have sworn to protect. One letter to your senator means ten thousand others feel the same on any given issue. Please write, call, whatever; just let them know this abuse has gone too far.