I spent another day dealing with the billing issues on my account and I am fed up. I switched to your service in April and have had to sort out the billing issues on my account every month since then, spending at times 2+ hours on the phone to get things straight. I have lost in upwards of $400.00 in time away from work dealing with these issues due to my "suspended account" but the most important loss this company is causing me is important time for my children! Today was Back to School night for my children and since I live 45 minutes away from them I arranged to communicate with my children's teachers via phone before Back to school night. This did not happen because AT&T would not turn my phone on while they fixed their mistakes! Another time I missed a court tele-conference costing me a vast amount of respect from the judge. Because your company has failed to do its job I the consumer continue to pay its price! This is just some of the things I have loss thus far because of your companies mistakes and yet the most corrupt part is it will not be the last. With ALL the other AT&T customers complaints with this same issue why is nothing being done to, at the very least, offer some retribution to what is being stolen from us as consumers?! You are robbing customers by giving us no choice in the matter but to spend our time and efforts to aid AT&T to do what I have paid for and PROVIDE A SERVICE BINNED BY A MUTUALLY AGREED & FCC GOVERNED CONTRACT. Did you know that while reading your contracts I found nothing in their that you as a company are guaranteeing me as a customer? What company does that, gives NO CUSTOMER PROMISE/GUARANTEE TO DUE DILIGENCE!?
I know that once more, as it has been found every time I have had to call in and direct the billing manager how to audit a receivable account, AT&T will see that they actually owe me money, and once more the "problem will be fixed before my next bill". I will however NOT be doing this again next month! NOT because I have any faith that AT&T will do their job, it is because I would rather have them put their "billed charges" on my credit report than pay AT&T anymore of my money or time. Besides I have seen the exorbitant amount of complaints regarding the company I am sure to have many understanding creditors that will overlook that on my credit report.