I just spent 15 minutes trying to navigate the labyrinth of the customer service voice system... they've set up a menu system that's clearly designed to frustrate customers and preven them from ever talking to anyone.
In my case, I had a specific billing question--improper charges on my bill--and a question about automatic payments. The voice menu system does not have such options; plus, often, you are returned to the same place you left off-and have to restart by entering your phone number again. Making matters worse, if you pick certain choices you'll hit a deadend--and the recorded voice snarkily wishes you a good day!
Years ago, you simply looked at your bill, called the c.s. number, and dealt with a human being-- generally a friendly, informative soul who took care of things right away.
AT&T, if anyone's home and reading these boards, you absolutely need to change your customer service answering system!