Ok, so I will take you back to where this all started.
My fiance just got a new phone a few months ago and we were looking into lowering our monthly bill as I was laid off from my job.
This is where it got dicey.....I asked around about things that I could do to work around our bill to get it any lower as we were going through some financial difficulties and I was instructed to bring it over to the mobile share plan that would net us around $20-25 in savings a month....(at this point we have been on the plan about 3 mo)
That brings us to right now.....I am having real trust issues with AT&T because now I am basically being told that because of this, I have to pay monthly installments whether I go through this Next deal or otherwise (changing up my plan req) because at no time was I told ---- hey, you've had your iphone 4s for 2 years, maybe you should upgrade that before you switch over to this plan because otherwise you are going to get screwed with extra fees.
Now my 4S is starting to fail at multiple points (dock connector, battery) and I have to consider OOW replacement or DIY methods and all because I was not instructed that maybe 3 months back I should have replaced the phone when I could get a brand new phone for a penny + the upgrade fee which still is wavelengths better than what I would be allotted to now when I am struggling for money yet need that phone for prospective jobs.
Needless to say, I am VERY frustrated with a company that I have been a customer with since around 2003-2004