I don't know how a world class company like AT&T stays in business. I purchased (2) Nokia Lumia 520 Go-Phones and gave one to a relative for his birthday. The activation and charges were accepted, then suspended all within the same hour. When I called AT&T, they said the phone has not been "sold", and I had to take the receipt to a local AT&T outlet to have the service re-activated. No surprise, this happened with the 2nd phone as well, where the amount was billed, then suspended, which resulted in double-billing. There was also a 3rd unauthorized charge for a phone # I do not even recognize. Now that I have reported the incident to Vesta, a company they probably use to shield AT&T from liability, I have now been made aware my debit card cannot be used for future transactions. This causes me much inconvenience for a problem that originated with AT&T (or their employees). If anyone else has experienced similar issues, please reply so I can explore legal avenues of recourse. There is no such thing as legalized theft, although with AT&T, one may come to a different conclusion.