AT&T - I'm really, really, really disappointed with you right now.
We activated the Passport plan (weeks in advance) for a trip overseas, when we got there 3 of 4 phones DID NOT WORK. Can you imagine being in London with your Husband and Children with no means to communicate when you get separated? This happened!
Here comes the worst part - You billed me for $767.00 this month for International charges! My standard bill is $275.00!
We placed a call to Customer Service on Saturday, 7/30 and spoke to Donna at length. She told us the charges would be reversed and we should expect a call from a Manager on Sunday, 7/31 confirming the credit. Sunday came and went, no phone call. #nocallnoshow
So we call customer service Monday evening - I was on the phone for 1 hr 48 minutes, yes almost 2 hours with the same Rep explaining, describing, detailing, the issue over and over.
Multiple times I requested a manager and was told none were available. I also expressed that it was unacceptable to wait this long and she had the nerve to say to me - "Well, I'm waiting too". Did she just say that? Yes, she did! I could not believe she just said that!! Then she offers me an LG tablet but I have to pay for the data monthly - AT&T are you serious right now??
A few points -
1. Is this really how you treat a long time customer?
2. Why should I remain a loyal customer?
3. How are you going to fix this?
Get it together AT&T, you have treated me really bad and I'm won't put up with it.