Switched over to AT&T from Verizon (had been with Verizon for 20+ years) because Target Mobile sold us on it. We were told we would get unlimited data for free because we could bundle it with our direct tv service and that our line access fee would be $15/mo. I called customer service to verify everything a couple of days later. We had been given misinformation at Target...we pay $60/mo unlimited data and $40/line. When I told customer service that I was unhappy and I would like to speak to a manager I was transferred twice to Blanca. I told her that we were unhappy and unless they could do something to make us happy and stay that we would return our phones and cancel our service. She was extremely rude. She said there was nothing they could do and that if we had buyers remorse we should take our phones back. I asked her if ATT would rather lose us as customers instead of doing something to keep us. She basically said yes...told me to take our phones back. I asked to speak to her manager but she said I was speaking to a manager. I told her that everyone had a manager and I'd like to speak with hers. She said her manager didn't take calls from customers. She said she was going to have to let me go because they were very busy with calls (apparently too busy to resolve my problems). I asked her for contact info to write a letter of complaint. She said I could go to the website and put everything in a letter on there. Her name is Blanca ***....so here you go Blanca...you were extremely rude! I understand that you can't help the misinformation we were given, but you could have been cordial and gone above and beyond with some kind of gesture...a credit or something...a plea to keep us as customers would have been nice and appreciated. Don't worry Blanca...we'll take our phones back!
[Edited for privacy-please do not post personal or unique information such as but not limited to full names, employee ID numbers, email addresses, phone numbers, account numbers, etc.]