I paid my wireless phone bill on may 20 2016 twice($382.56 x2=$765.12)but the due date is 5/28/16 due for 0nly $646.89. i paid again $382.55 on jun 2 , 2016 but the due date is 6/28/16 and the amount $492.56. I added all the due amount and take away all my amount i paid i still over paid my phone 8.22.
two month tel bill $646.89(may 2016) +$492.56(june 2016)=$1139.45
i paid before due date $382.56 x 2(paid 2 time on may 20 2016)+$382.55(paid 6/2/16)=$1147.67
i m over paid to my account $8.22 (have credit)
at&t billing department still charge me late fee also do not take away the due amount $492.56 that due on jun 28 2016 off but at&t department add it to next bill and charge late fee again into the july bills. i called more than 10 times to ask for solution of this bill. everyone said will put the requested into the company. they said i need to call account receivavle department to talk to them. the lady who answered the call was not listen and hang up on me. i called back she put me on hold for 45min and hang up on me. i called back to 611 the lady promised to send in the requires i just need to wait for 24hr i can see they take it out on my bill but i wait for five days nothing is happening. i called back 611 the guy asked me to call account receivable again. i called again this lady just tell me to pay my bill and hang up on me.
At&t is a big corp company i could not able to find one person to able to give solution to customer. they make a lot of empty promise to the customer. i asked for comfirmation that i talked to the person who sent in the requests for me. they said there is not comfirmation number or case number .i just need to wait. i called since jun 22 2016 until present but the problem have no solution
i need solution. where can i find it when i call is not solution?
thank you