I received a $5 late charge on last month's wireless bill. No big deal. I'll still manage to pay the rent. My complaint is this. In adddition to U-verse, Internet and a land line with AT&T, I've had two mobile accounts with AT&T for several years. I've never been late with a payment. I called AT&T and asked if the late charge could be waived. The agent was very dismissive of me, to the point of being argumentative. My point was, and remains, that nowhere on the bill does it say a late charge will be added if a payment is received beyond the payment due date. Only on the following month's bill, if the previous month's payment was received beyond the payment due date, does it reveal a ten day grace period and the $5 late charge. AT&T, in the interest of full disclosure, needs to change their billing format to reflect the late charge, the amount of the late charge, and the billing date the late charge will be added. Nearly every other billing (credit cards, etc.) follows this format.