Please help me. I am sooooo very frustrated at this point. This makes absolutely no sense that the credits have not been correctly applied to my account. This all started around February 2016 when I combined bills and changed my plan.
Around February 2016, I added a 4th line and purchased a new phone....the deal where both the phone and 4th line should have been free. The same same deal - buy one samsung get one free. This is the deal/plan I was told by the rep at the ATT Store (8412 Katy Freeway, Ste. 400, Houston, TX 77024) and this is the deal that I expected on my bill. However, this has been far from the case. The store later claimed all 4 lines had to be smart phones for the deal to apply. However, at no point in time did the initial rep mention that all 4 lines had to be smart phones for the deal to apply. I have previously to several store managers - Jimmy, Thomas, Derick Clark, Ali Dawood. All of whom have tried to help work through the problem but w/o success. Along the way credits were issued but still have not applied. Everyone keeps saying give it time but time has not resolved the issue.