I am so upset with how an att representative treated me this evening. After being a prepaid customer most of my adult life, I finally went with a more expensive, contract, multiple phone option last november. I spend average of 200 a month, and was just mis-treated by a collections agent like a piece of trash. Mind you, I am 6 days behind, and would love to pay my bill, as soon as a 40 $ error is corrected. Carl A , a 9 year att vet as i so learned, has the manners and politeness of oscar the grouch and refused to honor his customers word, said computers never are wrong, no mistakes could have possibly be made and that i was wrong. When i explained to him that i had, in fact, made the payment arrangement opinion, he said my computer says no you didn't so you did not. He also stated that until I pay my bill, I will not reach,any other agent or rep at att except him at collections. Refused a supervisor or another rep. Instead of hanging up when I got mad and started yelling, he continued to yell back and be sarcastic and rude even further. I have extended my bill to June 30, and I am currently researching whether Verizon or sprint is giving me the best offer so I can cancel these phones. Nobody deserves to be treated like that. I work too hard for my money. I will be emailing and calling if I can find other numbers besides the main att and 611.... if anyone out there knows a number to a decent, normal employee that had supervisors and a chain of command that would be greatly appreciated.
[edited for privacy – please do not post personal information]