Switched from Verizon to ATT as an add-on to my sisters service. Was talked into EDGE. Called next day and told them I did not like phone. Told to return on following day. Store closed at 3p.m.. went to store on Tuesday since Monday was a holiday. Told them " I hate this phone, I want my old phone back" Was told that I would get used to it. Took back again- poor reception was due to metal roof on house 'get wifi added'. Ordered Wifi. Took back again and asked again for manager who was unavailable AGAIN. Told that if I wanted a Mega (which I did) to order on Amazon and bring to store and we would 'transfer everything and make the proper returns, etc on EDGE. ORDERED MEGA. Took Mega to store as soon as itmarrived and was told that "we were now on day 15 and they would not do anything." Now I have an Edge and a Mega and $1,200 in telephones that I cannot use. I have called ATT 611 everyday since. I spend from 3 to 5.5 hours being transferred and told no one could help me from ATT. Phone must be returned to point of sale. They refuse. Who helps me? Why should I or anyone else tolerate this kind of robbery? FTC or FCC aware of this? A corporation this large CANNOT help me " not their store". Well, it sure as heck said ATT on the sign and the bill was changed to reflect these changes.