I called in to change my due date and I seemed to understand, but then I had a follow-up question online and the chat agent said something completely different. I want to make sure I know what to expect, as it was explained to me...please tell me if I'm wrong:
Original Cycle end date was the 21st. I changed my due date form the 12th to the 15th, meaning my new cycle end date is the 24th. The agent on the phone mentioned that next month I will be billed essentially from the prior month 22nd to the 24th (I couldn't tell if it was two bills, one from the 22nd to the 10th and one from the 11th to the 24th, or just one bill from the prior 22nd to the 24th). Either way, i'm expecting the total amount to be billed and due next month to be about 3 days worth of pro-rated service. Then, in the following month, I'm expecting the bill to revert to normal and be due on the 15th.
Am I incorrect in understanding this? If so, what can I really expect. How would this change impact my Next installment payments (they said it wouldn't) or any other taxes and fees?
Thanks in advance for your help.